Alkaline Vegan  Plant-Based Diet

9 Scientific Benefits of Following a Plant-Based Diet

A plant-based diet can promote a healthy weight and disease prevention.

Going plant-based is not so much a diet. as it is a general approach to eating. There’s no need to count calories or stress about meeting certain macronutrient goals each day. In essence, it’s simply about eating more plant-based foods (and fewer animal-based ones while you’re at it).

There are several different interpretations of the diet:

  • Vegetarian Diet Individuals who are vegetarian may eat cheese, eggs, and milk, but they do not eat meat, such as chicken, pork, and beef. Instead of meat, they lean on plant-based protein.
  • Vegan Diet These people choose to forgo animal products altogether (including milk, cheese, and honey) and exclusively eat plants as part of a vegan lifestyle.
  • Raw Vegan Diet Others may follow the aforementioned rules and eat only raw plant-based food.
  • Flexitarian Diet Some people are more flexible. They try to simply cut down on their meat intake and eat a diet that’s primarily filled with plants but with some animal products here and there.

A plant-based diet lowers your blood-pressure

A plant-based diet can keep your heart healthy and prevent diabetes, help decrease your risk of cancer, heal you lose excess weight and help you live longer.

As well as High-Cholesterol and minimizes your risk of stroke.

Ramping Up Your Plant Intake May Keep Your Brain Strong

The physiological benefits of following a plant-based diet are many, but there are some possible mental ones, too. “There is some compelling research examining plant-based diets and their role in slowing the progression of Alzheimer’s and Dementia.

The American Institute for Cancer Research says the best way to source cancer-protective nutrients, including fiber, vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals, is to eat a diet rich in vegetables, fruit, grains, beans, nuts, seeds, and some animal foods. And the same goes for cancer survivors. A review published in Cancer Management and Research notes the protective benefits are there, though they’re moderate (lowering the risk for certain cancers by about 10 percent) and are likely due to the nutrients present in plant foods and because eating this way promotes a healthy weight.